Stratum Resource post, 5 Books all Nutraceutical Marketers Should Read

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5 Books all Nutraceutical Marketers Should Read

Storytelling is one of the most powerful components from a content marketing approach to breathe life into your nutraceutical company. It offers a unique opportunity for you to use inspiring, creative and authentic stories to help your target audience make a personal connection with both your brand and your product lines.

With storytelling comes emotion, and emotional branding increases customer retention and drives revenue. A customer’s personal connection to your brand is often a main reason behind why they choose to try or continue to buy a product. Essentially, brands are based on perception, which means a good story can be enough for you to build trust and credibility with your customers while gaining loyalty through your highly effective products.

The following are a few excellent book recommendations for nutraceutical marketers looking for additional insights into capturing their brand’s story.

Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller

Author Donald Miller uses a unique process that puts a spotlight on the seven universal elements of powerful stories to show marketers how they can radically improve the way they connect with customers and ultimately grow their businesses. The seven elements are based on human behaviors including why customers make purchases. By understanding this behavior, Miller shows how to curate the best messaging for your business website, social media, brochures, and more. This book is perfect for small businesses and multi-million dollar companies alike. It will greatly transform the way you talk about your brand and the value you give to your customers.

Brand Identity Breakthrough: How to Craft Your Company’s Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible by Gregory Diehl and Alex Miranda
This book offers the ultimate no-nonsense approach to marketers by getting down to business analysis. It helps readers understand the many pitfalls that entrepreneurs face and offers anecdotes to help them know what to do when potential problems arise. This book is all about turning problems into positive solutions with relatable stories. With helpful direction to gaining a competition edge while impeccably crafting your brand’s story, this book is one you’ll want to read again and again.

Brand, Meet Story: How to Create Engaging Content to Win Business and Influence Your Audience by Heather Pemberton Levy
A fun, easy read, with important and effective messaging about how to create engaging content – including your own brand’s story – this book is one you’ll want to keep handy as a guide. Author Heather Pemberton Levy takes a practical approach that combines techniques from journalism and fiction writing in a way that allows marketers to build their own stories that spark interest among the target audience. Instead of creating content that sells the product, this book focuses on selling the brand. This unique approach is sure to gain loyalty among customers as well as establishing customers that truly care.

Marketing: A Love Story: How to Matter to Your Customers by Bernadette Jiwa
A recognized global authority on storytelling in business, author Bernadette Jiwa shares with marketers how a meaningful approach will help their brand truly matter to their target market. Her focus on building relationships with customers and creating a connection is explained throughout. With her award-winning techniques, marketers gain insight as to why creating an emotional story will keep customers coming back for more.

All Marketers are Liars: The Underground Classic That Explains How Marketing Really Works—and Why Authenticity Is the Best Marketing of All by Seth Godin
Seth Godin, known for his fun and whimsical approach to marketing, does it again in this great read. As informative as it is entertaining, Godin lays out the importance of storytelling in marketing. He explains that if you have the power to tell a great story that people will believe, then it automatically makes it true. He states that everything we believe is based on our perception of what is true. For instance, if a bottle of wine tastes better because it is more expensive, than it actually may. The mind-blowing concept is amazing and one any marketer should integrate into their marketing efforts.

If you read these books or have other good ones to add, please share your thoughts and reviews on LinkedIn with #ingredientsforsuccess. Happy reading!


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